Friday, November 9, 2018

Internet-based Communication vs Direct Communication

On Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, social life belongs on the middle of the pyramid. It means that it's essential, and it's supported by the theory that human is a social creature, it influences our mental and physical health. Two most common forms of social interaction are face-to-face communication and internet-based communication. Which one is better?

In the pre-telephone era, we practiced direct contact communication. We would visit our friends or family to have our social life's going. Today's social life has been revolutionized. In this disruptive era, where everything connected to the internet, our social life's proceeding is evolving. The need to socialize become more comfortable, now we have this thing called social media. But is it better than face-to-face communication? 

Social media is easy, but it comes with consequences compared to direct contact of communication. It's true that in this era we can know our relative's news in an instant click. Our family who lives a hundred miles from us is one click away. A statistic that I've been gathered from Facebook statistics says that more than 700 billion minutes are spent on Facebook by its users. With those amount of time we overwhelmed ourselves with social life, it becomes too much. It's true about a quote that says social media is taking the far one closer, and making the closest one far. The communication that made with social media become less meaningful, and we tend to ignore what lies in front of us. When we're hanging out, let's be honest –  we busy with our mobile phones. On the other hand, face-to-face communication has benefits that social media can't obtain. We use our senses, when we communicate eye-to-eye, we use gestures, intonation, looks, smiles, touches as well as words.  It is all read by interlocutor and built the general impression, but there is no such possibility in the social media. 

In conclusion, I am not saying that people should avoid social media completely, but people need to be aware of the cons of it. People need to be mindful of how they are using social media as well as the others around them. In your opinion, which one is better? Social Media? or Direct communication. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Preserving Unity in Diversity

Indonesia is home for 17,508 islands, over 300 native languages, and with a total population of nearly 300 million, This country has become one of the most diverse countries in the world. And with hundreds of ethnicity, you and I might be different, yet we have to preserve peacefulness among us, in other words, a unity in diversity.

Preserving unity in diversity is essential. Diversity is necessary to open our mind, enhance our perspective and capabilities. While a unity will results in the best possible outcome/solution as all these differences integrate at reaching the best answer. Diversity and culture are dependent matter one another. Culture is the total of human creations- intellectual, technical, artistic, physical, and moral. It guides social life, and the things generation must follow and to which they may eventually add. Language, religion, science, art, notions of right and wrong, and explanations of the meaning of life are all parts of culture, and Indonesia is famous for their richness of culture. From Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua, these include the Batak in North Sumatra, the Dayak in Kalimantan, the Ambonese in the Moluccas, the Javanese, the Sundanese, the Balinese, the Acehnese, and the Minangkabau, each with a different language and culture. In this essay, I will explain a point to point on how to preserve the unity in diversity.

First, start with education. We must understand how diverse we are. In Indonesia, there are five recognized religions and hundreds of beliefs. Lately, issues on religion have been on the rise. The core obstacle of this matter is because of Indonesia's lack of education. It causes a shortage of understanding of literacy; thus we tend to believe in a hoax and fake news easily, those two things can divide our nation. Introducing Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in school curriculum can help on combatting fake news. MIL is a concept that has been used by UNESCO to stress the inter-relatedness of competencies regarding information broadly, and media, in particular. These cover human right literacy (especially the right of freedom of speech), news literacy (including literacy about journalistic standards and ethics), etc. 

Second, foster ourselves the sense of tolerance. We should learn to value and experience the abundance of Indonesia diversity found within other races, religions, and cultures. Appreciating it means trying to find the best in all people. Tolerance means that we don't need to accept other's people beliefs or behaviors, but we must respect every person's freedom of conscience. 

And lastly, if we, the people, can practice points as mentioned earlier, the government also can help us to preserve the unity in diversity by abolishing the blasphemy law. In my defense, God doesn't need human protection, and blasphemy law is often misused and abused.  Statistics collected by the Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network show that aggressive Islamists have targeted at least 60 people since September 2016 with a battery including online threats, verbal harassment, and physical intimidation. Until the Indonesian government ends the abusive blasphemy law and guarantees that the law enforcement protects the rights of Indonesians rather than pander to the objections of those who deny those rights, a unity in diversity won't attain.

These three points to be expected to embody unity and diversity.

Friday, October 19, 2018

A Farewell Night

A Farewell Night

“Please hear me out of what I’m about to say. You know, being apart is unavoidable, we’ll be apart by hundreds of miles. But, we’d be wishing upon the same star, we would be looking at the same moon, you will think of me and I’ll think of you. Say yes, and I’ll feel closer to you.”
“I’ll leave, remember?” He said.
“It has been a month, and I have to go”. He added.
“Is that so? Just go, I don’t care”. Hannah glared.

It had been a month since they became closer than ever. They met a month ago, in Ozark, Hannah met a gentleman named Shawn.

One night, on a farewell night, Shawn intended to say goodbye. Hannah knew that that time would come no matter what; she tried to be like her usual self;
But her inner self-was grieving.

“Nothing I can do. Who do I think I am? I’m nobody. Not his wife, not his girlfriend, or whatever labels you’d put me to highlight a relationship. I don’t have the power to stop him from going, his plan was to stay one month and that’s it”. Hannah said to herself, in silence.

“But, he’ll go. I don’t know when we’ll meet again.  A week? A month? A year? Or Never? No one knows.” Hannah shook her head.

In her room, alone, her mind couldn’t stop thinking about his departure.

“Ugh why is the clock ticking so loud? Can you please stop? Just for a minute? Don’t you tired? Ticking all day and all night?” This time, she blamed the clock.

“I don’t want to think about it, I don’t want to think about anything, I just don’t have the energy. He said that we’d meet again someday. Someday? Can you please explain what does that even mean? Someday means no priority. Someday means never comes. Did he basically say that we would never meet again? But, why would I care for someone who doesn’t give me certainty? Why would I care? But I care. I care so much.” Hannah lost her mind.

------------------------------------------One message received---------------------------------

“Can’t sleep. You awake?” texted Shawn.

Whoa. Should I reply fast? Or should I wait?

“What do you think? Of course I can’t sleep. I’m losing my mind here, thinking of you. I don’t want you to go. I like you, like a lot. I’m getting crazy right here just by thinking you wouldn’t be here tomorrow”

But no,
She deleted that entire message.

Instead, she replied, “I’m awake.”

“Okay then, where are you? Can we meet?” Shawn asked.

Then, they both were meeting at their usual place, the lake near the observatory. That night, that cold summer night, July fifteenth, the sky full of stars and the moon was full and bright.

“I’ll leave first thing in the morning” Shawn started.

“You have said that, haven’t you?” Hannah replied.

Then Shawn looked at Hannah with his sharp blue eyes intensely. Their eyes met, the pulse quickens, and heartbeat got faster.

Then he smiled and Hannah froze.

“Your smile looks fake” Hannah said stupidly.

“Oh? Really? People thought the same, but I bet they just jealous, I have the most charming smile! Don’t you agree? Hahaha ” Shawn replied confidently.

“Hahaha..You are one of the braggarts ” Hannah laughed although she secretly agreed.

“Out of curiosity, why are you bringing me here? It’s three a.m.” Hannah asked.

“Just for that..” He pointed his finger to the stars.
“For a star” He added.

“Yes, tonight is so beautiful. Stars are shining so bright” Hannah replied.

“Of course, Hannah. It’s because you see them with me. I make everything better” joked Shawn.

Hannah didn’t reply. She was busy gazing the stars and busy with her own thought.

“Hey! I’m joking! Usually, you’ll smack my head and scream at me saying Oh! You are an arrogant piece of shit. Hahahahha” Shawn laughed.

Then, Hannah gathered her courage.
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.

Her tongue was tied. She’d been composing her words in her brain. She didn’t want to feel sorry for not saying it out loud.

Then Shawn asked.

“Is there something you want to say?”

“He can read my mind, can’t he?!” Hannah mumbled.

“What? Just say it, if you don’t, I’ll never know” Shawn replied.

“OMG, he read my mind twice” Hannah mumbled.

“Don’t force me to say it out loud” said Hannah inner voice.

“We will meet again, Hannah. I promise you” Shawn said.

“Please hear me out of what I’m about to say. You know, being apart is unavoidable, we’ll be apart by hundreds of miles. But, we’d be wishing upon the same star, we would be looking at the same moon, you will think of me and I’ll think of you. Say yes, and I’ll feel closer to you.” He added.

“ Thanks, Hannah” He said

“What’s for?” Hannah replied

“Thank you for everything you have taught me. Thank you for accompanying me this far. Thank you for fulfilling my selfish request, and Thank you for making me realize my own feeling” He said.

“You’re welcome Shawn, and I also Thank you” Hannah replied.

“What’s for?” He asked

“For bringing me here tonight so we can have our goodbye, just the two of us” Hannah said

Then He laughed.

“You’re not being honest, Hannah” Shawn said.

“What? Oh, at least I’m not reading people’s mind” Hannah replied.

Shawn laughed again. This time, he laughed harder.

“Do you think I can your mind? Seriously? I’m just an ordinary man. I know that I’m charming but I don’t read people mind”

“Just laugh, Shawn! I’m sorry, I’m indeed an easy person to guess!” she replied.

Before Hannah finished her sentence, Shawn pulled her arm and kissed Hannah under the moonlight then he said.

“I’m sorry, Hannah. I lied to you. I’ll be back next month, and this time for good”

Sunday, July 22, 2018

How to Write a Good Paragraph for ESL Students

Writing is the most challenging skill to excel for ESL student. When you understand basic grammar, there is no guarantee you can surpass in writing, let alone a good paragraph.  Here's how to write a good paragraph.

First, you need to read tons of articles. By reading, we exposed ourselves to a good paragraph.

Second, as we are being exposed to a good paragraph then we must understand the basic components of a good paragraph. We must know what are main idea, supporting sentence, wrap-up sentence.

Third, the easy way to begin our writing. We'll learn basic paragraph outline. Example:

Topic Sentence: _________________________________________________________
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations: 
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations: 
Supporting Detail: ________________________________________________
Facts, details, examples, and explanations: 
Concluding Sentence: ____________________________________________________

Finally, we can start writing our good paragraph!

One Day as (pretend) Art Enthusiast at Art Jog

The coolest contemporary visual art event, ArtJog, embarked at Jogja National Museum in Wirobrajan, where ArtJog is being shown for a month (started on May 4th until 4th of July). This year's event titled "Enlightenment." It referred to an era in world history, The post-French Revolution in the 18th century, which was known to be the birth of both rationalism and humanism. Sovereignty, individuality, knowledge, modernity, democracy, and laïcité (the concept of a secular republic in which the separation between state and religion applies) were the main ideas behind the understanding of “Enlightenment,” and art has always been a significant media to express it.
Upon my arrival, I greeted by the prettiest piece of art that I have ever seen named "Sea Remembers" by Mulyana Agus. This artwork was made by crocheting wool yarn, and it took about 60 people and six months to get it done. As Plato said that "art was the imitation of nature." This artist's depiction was quite spot on. The beauty of life under the sea beautifully captured through this masterpiece.

As I went on exploring ArtJog, I found another piece which caught my eyes. The piece called "Pernyataan Tidak Tertulis" by Bandu Darmawan. It was a shadow of the typing man. This piece was a bit creepy because the typing man didn't exist, only his shadow. This piece a]empted to present a negative space of the creation of narrative, the shadow of a man who's typing would mix with the shadow of the audience and a typewriter with plain keys that randomly typed (as quoted from the information board).

Of all the arts and paintings in the exhibition. The one that captivated me the most was the "Chinese God War" by Ichwan Noor. The art stood gallantly amongst other arts. The piece was made of engine parts, beautifully assembled. The "Chinese God War" represented Chinese knight named Guan Yu. He was well known for his loyalty and honesty. This work intended as a metaphor for a fight for China's influence on the global constellation.

By the end of the tour of Art Jog, I was completely aware of the power of art, it was like a journey through other dimensions while still in the same building. Art is beau<ful, even though I don't understand some of them. As this year's theme "Enlightenment", it was successfully enlighting me, it gave me different perspec<ve about some aspects of life. Though the art wasn't my strong suit, I enjoyed that night. 

The Mighty Robot Soldier

Meet "Robot Soldier," a robot statue that is located in Ghibli Museum, Japan. A cool five-meter tall robot, and it made of bronze. It has a rusty color, head shaped like a bean with a google. Its body has defective parts. It looks like the robot just came back from the war and survived. Two long arms with spikes on each arm. The right arm is blemished. Three spikes on the lower arm are busted. The left arm has better condition than the right.  Nothing significant damage is found. The robot has two legs. The legs are shorter than the arms. The size of the legs are halves of the arms. Legs shaped like an insect's abdomen, it segmented. In short, albeit the robot has several damages on its body, it still stands tall and pride. 

Keep It Healthy This Superbowl Sunday

Here are three ways to enjoy yourself while staying conscious and confident in your nutritional choices during Superbowl Sunday. 

First, drink plenty of water. Alcohol makes you dehydrated, and it is essential to balance your alcohol intake with water to keep you hydrated

Second, use a plate. A plate will become your reminder on how much you ate. 

And third, prioritize your favorite snacks. You can't have it all, it is only one day and if you like chicken wings then have some, don't load your plate up with everything else just because it is there.

In conclusion, staying healthy during one of the many foods centered events can be challenging, but not impossible. It is excellent if you can choose the healthier version of Super Bowl Sunday, most importantly, don't forget to enjoy yourself!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Thing My Dad Didn't Get To See

A bachelor degree.
I've wasted my life by choosing the bad choices. 
I gave up when I was on halfway my thesis in veterinary medicine because I thought I'll never be a good doctor, I just don't have the quality. 7 years of nothing if you asked me.
I have never a dull student, never repeated the same class, enrolled in a favorite school in town, never had serious problems in school, didn't get pregnant when in high school. I was a pretty much normal student. I even enrolled in a state university. 
But until now,
when all my peers are on their steady jobs, on their way to Ph.D., living their dream life overseas, on their second child. 
Hello me. Still trying to get my bachelor degree. Such a failure.
I'm so sad, Dad. I feel like I fail you. I disappoint you.
I know that everyone will have their own big break. In my case, not today. Not until your last breath.
You'll miss my graduation when I finally I will graduate this time. For real. No jokes. No funny business. Nothing. I'll graduate, Dad and you won't be here.
I'm sad. But I'll come out to the end of the tunnel and see the light again. I'll finish what I've started and I'll do my best.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


When my Dad lay unconsciously in the hospital bed, I kept praying for a miracle. I really wanted my Dad would wake up and be with us again, just like nothing happened. Only 24 hours after he was in a coma state, he died.
I shake my head wanted it was untrue. Another part of my brain told me, he was just sleeping peacefully. 
But no.
He died.
I don't know what to believe anymore, 

Is a miracle real? 

I never experienced a miracle before, maybe I have but I'm too ignorant to know what a miracle really is. 
But today, I witnessed a miracle, not happened to me but to someone else.
I have been following the news about Thai Rescue mission of twelve boys and their coach that have been trapped in a cave in Thailand. They have been stranded for 10 days before British divers found them well and alive inside the cave, without any foods. They've been survived only with meditation and water retrieved from cave rocks. The news said that rescued the boys have many challenges. It's possible but really difficult. The cave was cold, narrow, muddy, and has a low level of oxygen. One of the rescuers who was part of Thai Navy SEALS died on the mission. Even the professional diver could die, and the kids have zero experience of cave diving. 
A miracle happened.
All boys, coach, rescue teams that involved in the mission were out safely.
Every time I read the news I can barely hold my tears. It's really heart-warming, seeing the people on one frequency to save the boys lives was really touching. 
Faith in a miracle has restored.

In my case, maybe my Dad died is really what's good for me, for the family. It's really hard, letting go of someone who really loved. But I'm surviving.
As long as there is hope, a miracle would show up in a different form. Just maybe not as my expectation. 

First thing first, I have to let go.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


When I lost my grandmother, I was too small to remember. I was too small to have deep memories with her. She had a stroke. All I can remember that she always accompanied me at home when I was alone. She couldn't talk nor walk. She always sat on the green sofa.
Grandpa also left when I was just turned 3 years old. I didn't remember much, except his strong smell of cigarette.
I'm a big girl now, has one daughter and a husband, and I lost my Dad.
Now I know the feeling of grief. My mom and I would talk about Dad every day, his past memories with us. 

Are you watching us from up there, Dad?

We wouldn't stop talking about Dad. When I sneezed while driving, it would remind Mom so much about Dad because on his counted days he sneezed so much while driving. We wouldn't stop telling stories about Dad, just not yet.
I have so many stories about my Dad because we were so close. I have my dad's face, when you met us, you would have known that we were related. We were so much alike. I also inherited Dad's character, we both had strong opinions about certain things but remained calm if anyone bad mouthing about us, we just didn't show how hurt was us even deep down we hurt so much.

Dad loved swimming.

When I was a kid, he would take the whole family to swim, every Sunday. I even allowed to invite my friend slash cousin to join our Sunday ritual. Then I grew up, I've gotten less interested in swimming with Dad. I always refused if Dad asked me to join him. He said, the water in the swimming pool was blessed and would make your face ten years younger; also it would make your heart strong. But I remained ignorant, I declined my Dad's proposal.

His last seven days. When my daughter had her holiday, also I was free. I decided to spend the rest of holiday in Solo.
Dad still insisted on me to join him in the swimming pool.

Finally, I accepted my Dad's invitation. We swam twice that week.

In his last days. We went swimming. 

I got 10 round, Dad also had 10 round.

Dad and his girls.

He was strong.

On his last seven days, I slept with Dad, in front of the TV. He always woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble sleeping. I didn't ask anything because I knew he had been had sleep apnea for years and always refused when I asked him to check his disorder to sleep clinic. Yes, he hated hospital.

I always reminded him to take blood pressure medicine regularly, but he refused. Yes, he also hated medicine.

He had flu, and the only medicine he took was Vick's inhaler if that's counted as medicine.

Dad was very stubborn about certain things.

He would make us listen to him because he knew better.

But Dad, you were wrong, and I was wrong.

Your heart wasn't strong enough. You collapsed way too fast. Without warnings.

It's so hard living without you. I have to continue your fight because I'm the first born when you know. I am not ready just yet.

We had so many plans, but you weren't here. We were in a long distance relationship know, in a different universe. 
Is this what so-called the feeling of grief?
I read so many articles about it, there were so many stages of grief. But fuck the stages. It's just so hard, I just can't remember which stage I am in...
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