Wednesday, July 11, 2018


When my Dad lay unconsciously in the hospital bed, I kept praying for a miracle. I really wanted my Dad would wake up and be with us again, just like nothing happened. Only 24 hours after he was in a coma state, he died.
I shake my head wanted it was untrue. Another part of my brain told me, he was just sleeping peacefully. 
But no.
He died.
I don't know what to believe anymore, 

Is a miracle real? 

I never experienced a miracle before, maybe I have but I'm too ignorant to know what a miracle really is. 
But today, I witnessed a miracle, not happened to me but to someone else.
I have been following the news about Thai Rescue mission of twelve boys and their coach that have been trapped in a cave in Thailand. They have been stranded for 10 days before British divers found them well and alive inside the cave, without any foods. They've been survived only with meditation and water retrieved from cave rocks. The news said that rescued the boys have many challenges. It's possible but really difficult. The cave was cold, narrow, muddy, and has a low level of oxygen. One of the rescuers who was part of Thai Navy SEALS died on the mission. Even the professional diver could die, and the kids have zero experience of cave diving. 
A miracle happened.
All boys, coach, rescue teams that involved in the mission were out safely.
Every time I read the news I can barely hold my tears. It's really heart-warming, seeing the people on one frequency to save the boys lives was really touching. 
Faith in a miracle has restored.

In my case, maybe my Dad died is really what's good for me, for the family. It's really hard, letting go of someone who really loved. But I'm surviving.
As long as there is hope, a miracle would show up in a different form. Just maybe not as my expectation. 

First thing first, I have to let go.


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