Friday, July 13, 2018

Thing My Dad Didn't Get To See

A bachelor degree.
I've wasted my life by choosing the bad choices. 
I gave up when I was on halfway my thesis in veterinary medicine because I thought I'll never be a good doctor, I just don't have the quality. 7 years of nothing if you asked me.
I have never a dull student, never repeated the same class, enrolled in a favorite school in town, never had serious problems in school, didn't get pregnant when in high school. I was a pretty much normal student. I even enrolled in a state university. 
But until now,
when all my peers are on their steady jobs, on their way to Ph.D., living their dream life overseas, on their second child. 
Hello me. Still trying to get my bachelor degree. Such a failure.
I'm so sad, Dad. I feel like I fail you. I disappoint you.
I know that everyone will have their own big break. In my case, not today. Not until your last breath.
You'll miss my graduation when I finally I will graduate this time. For real. No jokes. No funny business. Nothing. I'll graduate, Dad and you won't be here.
I'm sad. But I'll come out to the end of the tunnel and see the light again. I'll finish what I've started and I'll do my best.


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